Our vehicle tracking service combines the tracking of vehicle location with a mobile friendly software interface that displays tracking data. The software provides a room for certain alerts that signal the position of the vehicle and other activities.
We have put in place a flexible subscription systems that enable vehicle owners to renew at their convenient time. Get in touch with us now to discuss your next vehicle tracking project.
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Key Benefits
Route fence feature allows you to assign a vehicle to pass through a specific route. You may set an alert so that you get notified if the vehicle deviates from the pre-planned route. This feature helps you gain complete control on daily trip schedule.. Get SMS alert when driver violates predefined route and go by wrong route. Avoids misuse of vehicles. You can define your desired route in server account. When route defined by you is get violated you will get an SMS alert. You can see current route of vehicle online and trace further moments of the vehicles carefully. -
GPS based vehicle tracking system for tracking your vehicle location anywhere and at anytime. Our live vehicle tracking system uses GPS satellites to locate your vehicles, and mobile technology to ensure that their positions, routes and logs are constantly updated. Knowing where your vehicles and assets are at all times helps you regain control of your fleet operations. With notifications, you will know how fast the vehicle was driven, where and when the vehicle stopped, and for how long.

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